About PGCD

Management Plan

The purpose of the management plan is to identify the goals of the District and to document the management objectives and performance standards that will be used to accomplish those goals. The 75th Texas Legislature in 1997 enacted Senate Bill 1 (“SB 1”) to establish a comprehensive statewide water planning process. In particular, SB 1 contained provisions that require each groundwater conservation district (“GCD”) to prepare a management plan to identify the water supply resources and water demands that will shape the decisions of the GCD. SB 1 designed the management plans to include management goals for each GCD to manage and conserve the groundwater resources within their boundaries.

The District’s management plan satisfies the statutory requirements of the Texas Water Code Section 36.1071 and the administrative requirements of the Texas Water Development Board’s rules set forth in Texas Administrative Code, Title 31, Chapter 356.

Management Plan (Adopted 03.18.24) (TWDB approved 04.12.24)

Management Plan (Adopted 01.21.19)​ (TWDB approved 05.31.19)

Aquifer Storage and Recovery and Aquifer Recharge Suitability Study

The District’s current Management Plan includes a management objective to investigate the feasibility of recharge enhancement and aquifer storage and recovery projects in the Direct and to complete these studies and an initial assessment by 2022. The District’s Planning and Development Committee worked with the District’s consulting hydrogeologist to complete the following report assessing ASR and AR feasibility within the District.

Hydrogeological Assessment of Aquifer Storage and Recovery and Aquifer Recharge Suitability within Prairielands GCD

Management Plan Map

​Annual Reports

​The District’s Annual Report is intended to give an annual update on Prairielands Groundwater Conservation District’s progress on each of the objectives and standards included in the District’s management plan.


2023 Annual Report
2022 Annual Report
2021 Annual Report
2020 Annual Report
2019 Annual Report